Quick Cards gif - how old was abe lincoln? 56.

Blind & visually impaired students learn fast with
Quick Cards

Easily convert your classroom material into accessible flash cards and tests for your students

Empower Learning

image of hand with a settings gear inside

Student-focused Design

  • Built for students who are blind or visually impaired.
  • 100% accessible without vision.
  • Visual enhancements for low vision users.
  • No outside assistive technology required.
silhouette of a face with a smiling thought bubble

Simplify Learning

  • Accessible studying promotes independence and incentivizes learning.
  • Study, test and retest to improve knowledge.
  • Remotely send decks and tests from your Teacher Dashboard.
image of a person climbing a graph like stairs to reach a flag

Test & Study

  • Create custom flash cards and tests.
  • Flip through cards in Study Mode.
  • Record measurable progress in Test Mode.
  • Automatically convert flash card decks into multiple choice tests.
Laptop logged into Teacher Dashboard showing bar charts, graphs and table of non-descript typing lesson results

Supercharge from your Teacher Dashboard

Teach your students quickly

Remotely send flash cards and tests

Check student records

Tweak accessibility settings from anywhere

Supported OS

  • Windows 7, Windows 10
  • Chromebook, Chrome OS
  • Android
  • MacOS, OS X


  • Internet connection
  • A hardware keyboard (USB, Bluetooth, etc.)
  • Google Chrome  internet browser
  • A love for accessible technology

Study. Test. Learn.

Try Accessibyte for free!

Try Accessibyte for free!

Grab a 14 day free trial to see what all the excitement is about.


365 day access
For a Home User

Typio Online Icon

Gamified typing tutor.
Learn the entire keyboard.
Totally Accessible.
Any device, anywhere.
Kids love it!

All Access

365 day access
For a Home User

Typio Online Icon
Quick Cards Icon
Arcade Icon
ProPack Icon
Typio Online Iconbraillio

Learn touch typing and braille.
Study & play games.
Includes: Typio, Quick Cards, Accessibyte Arcade, ProPack & Braillio.

School Edition

365 day access
For Teachers and Students

Typio Online Icon
Quick Cards Icon
Arcade Icon
ProPack Icon
Typio Online Iconbraillio

App access for Students.
Includes remote Teacher Dashboard.
Track Student Progress Remotely.
Send custom lessons.
More details…