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Creating, Deleting and Editing custom Typio lessons from the Teacher Dashboard

While Typio includes lessons covering the entire keyboard, you can also create your own custom lessons within the Teacher Dashboard. When your student loads the custom lesson, Typio automatically applies the visual and audible accessibility, in addition to breaking the lesson down into the standard Typio lesson format. Pretty cool!

Custom Lessons for a Single Student

Creating a custom lesson for a single student

If you’re creating a lesson only to be used by a single student, log in to your Teacher Dashboard and do the following:

  1. Login to your Teacher Dashboard.
  2. Click the Students List sidebar link.
  3. Each student has an Overview link. Click the desire student’s overview.
  4. Click the Typio tab.
  5. Scroll down to the Custom Lessons section of the page.
  6. Type the name of the lesson into the Lesson Title field.
  7. Type or paste the content of the lesson into the Lesson Text field.
  8. Click Save and you’re all done. Your student now has the lesson you created.

How do students access custom lessons?

Removing a lesson from from a single student

If you want to remove a specific lesson from a specific students account, do the following:

  1. Click the Students List sidebar link.
  2. Click the Overview link for the desired student.
  3. Click the Typio tab.
  4. Scroll down to the Custom Lessons section.
  5. Click the Delete button for the desired lesson. It looks like a trash can.
  6. Click the Yes button to confirm. The lesson is now removed from that student’s Typio. So long, lesson!

Editing a lesson for a single student

If you need to edit a lesson only for a specific student, do the following:

  1. Click the Students List sidebar link.
  2. Click the Overview link for the desired student.
  3. Click the Typio tab.
  4. Scroll down to the Custom Lessons section.
  5. Click the Edit button. It’s green and looks like a pencil and paper.
  6. Edit the text to your heart’s content, then click Save Changes.


  • Typing or pasting custom lessons in paragraph format will cause Typio to break the content down into smaller prompts automatically.
  • If you want a single word to show up on it’s own, with no chance for another word to be included in the prompt, simple put that word on it’s own line. Just hit Enter after typing it into the Lesson Text field.
  • Sometimes text copy and pasted from websites will include characters that can’t be typed on the keyboard. Examples include certain types of dashes. If Typio presents a bunch of gibberish in your custom lesson, edit the lesson to remove the special characters.

Custom Lessons for a Multiple Students

Creating a lesson to be saved and shared with multiple students

You may want to create a lesson one time and share it with multiple students now or in the future. To do so, log in to your Teacher Dashboard and do the following:

  1. Login to your Teacher Dashboard.
  2. Click the Typio Docs sidebar link.
  3. Click the Create New link.
  4. Type the name of the lesson into the Lesson Title field.
  5. Type or paste the content of the lesson into the Lesson Text field.
  6. Click Save. That’s it! This lesson is now saved in your dashboard but isn’t yet shared with any students.

Sharing Lessons with Students

If you have custom lessons in your Teacher Dashboard and want to share them, read on!

  1. Click the Typio Docs sidebar link.
  2. Under the Custom Lessons heading, check the box next to each lesson you wish to share.
  3. Under the Share With heading, select the student(s) who will receive the lesson
  4. Click the Share button. Those students now have the lessons you selected.

Removing and Deleting Lessons

Deleting a lesson from your Teacher Dashboard

Let’s say you created a custom lesson you’ve shared with multiple students. You now hate that lesson and want to get rid of it once and for all, never to be shared again. This is what you gotta do:

  1. Click Typio Docs sidebar link.
  2. Under the Custom Lessons heading, click the Delete button that looks like a trash can.
  3. Click the Yes button. The lesson is now removed from your dashboard. You may still need to delete the lesson from individual student accounts.