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Test Mode overview

Quick Card’s Test mode does double duty, allowing students to take tests you’ve created in the Test Editor and tests created from their flashcard decks. Flashcard deck tests are made automatically, using Side A for the test question and Side B for the answer. Side B from other cards are used to create additoinal answer choices.

Getting to Test Mode

  1. From the Main Menu, arrow down to Test Mode and press Enter.
  2. Arrow down to the test and press Enter.
  3. Use the Up and Down arrows to navigate between answer options and press Enter to confirm the choice. At the end of the test, the student will receive their score.


  • Show the current answer choice full screen: Spacebar (Useful if the text trails off the edge of the screen. This will also read the currently selected answer choice.)
  • Stop Speech: Control
  • Exit: Escape
  • Zoom in and out: Shift + Up/Down arrows; Mousewheel up/down; Two fingers up/down on trackpad.
  • Move answers: Click with the mouse (Useful if full question can’t be read.)