Typio Pro – An accessible typing tutor for teens and adults

Teens and adults with accessible typing needs will love Typio Pro.

What is Typio Pro?

Typio Pro is a version of Typio for older students. The Typing Pet feature is removed and replaced with tons of lessons focusing on building typing skills for those entering the workforce, higher education, building their technology skills or volunteering.

There’s over 300 typing lessons included in Typio Pro, ranging from writing resumes, drafting emails, exam word lists, learning technology terms and more. That’s in addition to fully-guided instruction on learning each key on the keyboard.

Typio Pro typing of resume material. "Immersive approach to solving workplace issues is a direct display of my passions for dairy transportation."

Why Typio Pro?

Typio score screen, showing 0 errors, 100% accuracy and 29 WPM for 'Resume Objects 4'. Coaching text says 'You typed perfectly but didn't meet your PM goal. Try typing a little faster while maintaining your accuracy."

Users of all ages love the ease and accessibility of learning to type with Typio. Many students love raising their Typing Pets but some students wanted a more mature approach to keyboard instruction.

Releasing Typio Pro as it’s own dedicated app allows us to really focus on the needs of both younger and older typists. As time goes on, each app will gain it’s own unique features while remaining close to core of what makes Typio an app users love.

Click the button below to learn all about the unique features of Typio Pro.